Friday, August 30, 2013

A Makeup Ramble

Hello Darlings!

Today I wanted to share some pictures and just have a little "Makeup Ramble".

One of my favorite things is getting up in the morning, showering, and then applying my makeup. I have the most time to pamper, take my time, relax, and enjoy this routine on the weekends. I love taking pictures of my "makeup of the day", and here are a few fun ones. (I like to glam them up with apps, and excuse the quality, these are quick snapshots from my iPhone).

At this point I've accumulated a good amount of makeup, but I still always find room for more - and the NEED for more. It's just the most addictive, fun thing to shop for. Nothing better than restocking on some new fun, cute, pretty products! I'm sure every beauty guru has the shopping bug. 

My makeup process isn't really complete without taking a quick photo of what I'm wearing that day. It's the last thing I do before I put everything away, and it's just one of those small things that makes me happy. Does anyone else do this? 

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